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About us

EURADOS e. V. is registered in the German Register of Societies as a non-profit association for promoting research and development and European cooperation in the field of the dosimetry of ionising radiation.

The aims of EURADOS are in particular:

  • to increase the scientific understanding of the dosimetry of ionising radiation,
  • to foster the technical development of dosimetric methods and instrumentation and their implementation in routine dosimetry,
  • and to harmonise the dosimetric procedures used within the EU and their conformance with international practices.
EURADOS-dosimetrie 2

We maintain a network which includes experts, reference and research laboratories, and dosimetry services. This enables appropriate specialist groups to be formed in a timely manner to solve problems or promote research identified within EURADOS or upon request from external bodies.


Organisational Structure


Members of our association are:

  • Voting Members (institutions)

    Voting Members are laboratories concerned with carrying out or promoting scientific research and development in dosimetry. Becoming a Voting Member is a subject of approval of General Assembly. The rights and duties are described in the Constitution.

    How to become a Voting Member: 

    You can apply for Voting Membership of EURADOS by filling in this webform.

    View all Voting Members

  • Associate Members (persons)

    Associate Members are scientists who contribute to the objectives or activities of EURADOS. Associate Members are employees of the Voting Members, staff of other institutions of the dosimetry research community participating in EURADOS, or persons otherwise active in the field of dosimetry of ionising radiation.

    How to become an Associate Member: 

    You can apply for Associate Membership of EURADOS by filling in this document.

  • Honorary Members

    Honorary Members are individual scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the realisation of the aims of EURADOS. So far, EURADOS dignified five Honorary Members:

    • Johan Broerse, Promoter in the founding phase of EURADOS and long-term Treasurer, † 2017

    • John Dennis, 1st EURADOS Chairperson, 1982-1992, † 2020

    • Günther Dietze, 2nd EURADOS Chairperson, 1992-2001, † 2015

    • Pascal Pihet, 3rd EURADOS Chairperson 2001-2004

    • Helmut Schuhmacher, 4th EURADOS Chairperson 2004-2014, Treasurer 2014-2020 and long-term support of the Office

Main bodies

EURADOS main bodies are:

  • General Assembly2020

    The General Assembly

    The General Assembly is composed of the delegates of the Voting Members. It is responsible for the governance of EURADOS and for the approval of objectives and strategy and transfers the execution of tasks or parts of them to the Council.

    More information

  • EURADOS-Secretary

    The Executive Board

    Four Council members, the Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer and Secretary comprise the Executive Board which runs the daily work of the association.

    More information

  • Council Meeting AM2024

    The Council

    EURADOS is administered by a Council consisting of at least eight but no more than twelve Associate Members.

    More information

  • Working Groups

    Working Groups

    The EURADOS activities are performed in Working Groups (WG) which are composed of Associate Members.

    More information

Financial resources

Our financial resources originate from sponsoring institutions, from Voting Members, from levies raised for activities organised by EURADOS (Annual Meetings, training courses and intercomparison exercises), and from projects funded by the European Communities.
