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WG10 – Retrospective dosimetry

  • EURADOS-WG10-Ainsbury


    Elizabeth (Liz) Ainsbury

    UK Health Security Agency, UK

    Email: liz [dot] ainsbury [at] phe [dot] gov [dot] uk (liz[dot]ainsbury[at]phe[dot]gov[dot]uk)


  • Sara della Monaca


    Sara della Monaca

    Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy

    Email: sara [dot] dellamonaca [at] iss [dot] it (sara[dot]dellamonaca[at]iss[dot]it)

  • EURADOS-Working-group


    Working Group 10 has:

    • 40 full members from 17 countries.
    • 50 corresponding members.

Aim of working group:

Establishing a network of contacts and collaborations in the area of physical and biological retrospective dosimetry


WG10 will contribute by:

  • establishment of a multiparameter approach to dose assessment in retrospective dosimetry (including emergency response) based on biological and physical methods
  • dissemination of the knowledge about retrospective dosimetry among authorities, scientific institutions and stakeholders
  • evaluation of newly developed physical and biological dosimetry methods
  • establishment of a common approach for uncertainty estimation in biological and physical retrospective dosimetry
  • elaboration of an approach for dosimetry after partial body or internal exposure

Task Groups

  • 10.4 Intercomparisons

    Task Group leader: Celine Bassinet (IRSN, France) and Georgia Terzoudi (NCSRD, Greece)


  • 10.5 SRA and Reporting

    Task Group leader: Clemens Woda (BfS, Germany) and Paola Fattibene (ISS, Italy)

  • 10.6 Uncertainties

    Task Group leader: Liz Ainsbury (UKHSA) and François Trompier (IRSN, France)

  • 10.7 Biodosimetry after internal contamination

    Task Group leader: Elena Shishkina (URCRM, Russia)

    in collaboration with WG7

  • 10.8 Dose conversion coefficients for physical retrospective dosimetry

    Task Group leader: Jon Eakins (UKHSA) and Michael Discher (Uni Salzburg, Austria)

    in collaboration with WG6
