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How to become a sponsor

EURADOS continuously successfully expands its activities and develops, for example, the Strategic Research Agenda for Dosimetry in Europe which requires continuous updating, and intensifies the interaction with the other European research platforms such as NERIS, EURAMED, Melodi (…). These activities are considered important and essential by the Council to further increase the influence of EURADOS on European research strategies in the field of radiation protection. However, they would greatly benefit from additional financial resources.

We would therefore appreciate if you could consider becoming a supporting Voting Member and support EURADOS by an amount of your choice. We want to be, however, very clear that such a support is voluntary, but highly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your support.


Benefits of sponsors

Sponsors of EURADOS are entitled to        

  • reduced fees for participants to the Annual Meeting, to EURADOS intercomparisons (1st system) and training courses;        
  • the display of the Institution’s designation and/or logo in the list of sponsors in publications following EURADOS organized events (symposia, workshops, meetings etc), as well as on the EURADOS website.

These benefits are valid from the date of payment until the end of the following year.

Use of contributions

Contributions from sponsors are exclusively used for the non-profit purpose of the Association, i.e. for the promotion of research and development and European cooperation in the field of the dosimetry of ionising radiation.

EURADOS e.V. is recognised as non-profit organisation for supporting science. It is authorised by the German fiscal authorities to issue a certificate of donation ("Zuwendungsbestätigung") according to § 10b of the German tax regulations. These costs may be set off against tax liabilities.  

Become a sponsor

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