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5th European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW), 22-24 Nov 2021

22 October '21
ERPW 2021 Vienna

The 5th ERPW is organised by EURAMED (supported by EIBIR) on behalf of the MEENAS group (ALLIANCE, EURADOS, EURAMED, MELODI, NERIS, and SHARE).

Due to the critical COVID-19 situation in Austria, the conference is switched from a hybrid to an online format; thus, ERPW 2021 will be held fully online.

To visit the draft programme of the 5th ERPW (status: 15 November 2021), please click here.

If you have any questions, please visit the conference website or contact the organising office: erpw2021 [at] eibir [dot] org (erpw2021[at]eibir[dot]org)

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