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5th EURADOS webinar: Dosimetry for workplace and environmental radiation monitoring

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Online - Starting time: 3:30 PM



In Europe, complementary to the use of active dosimetry or spectrometry systems, passive area dosimetry systems are also widely used for different area monitoring applications. On the basis of surveys performed in 2012 and 2016, the Subgroup 2 of EURADOS WG3 recently published the Eurados report “Overview of passive area dosimetry systems used in European countries”. The gathered information helped, in particular, to prepare a series of intercomparisons for testing the performance of calibration laboratories (IC2017calm, IC2018calm, IC2020calm). The webinar will provide an overview on the situation of passive dosimetry systems used for environmental radiation monitoring in Europe, covering the majority of the European countries. The results of the intercomparisons on the calibration methodologies will also be presented.

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