7th EURADOS Webinar: The use of unmanned aerial systems to characterize the radiological situation in the aftermath of an accident
All informationOnline - Starting time: 3:00 PM CEST
In case of a nuclear or radiological emergency the early availability of reliable data on dose rates and contamination levels in the core area of the accident as well as in potentially affected remote areas is of key importance for any governmental decision, like e.g. the implementation of proper countermeasures or the declaration of exclusion zones. Such major decisions may affect thousands of people and may have considerable social and financial impact. To investigate the radiologically contaminated area in the vicinity of a reactor can be too dangerous for people to enter to monitor radiation. The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV or commonly named “drones”) carrying radiological detector systems have become more and more available and will become crucial for advancing radiation monitoring. In the webinar the technologies on this topic developed by the IAEA, in the European project “Preparedness” which has recently finished, and its use in Decision Support Systems will be presented by speakers of the IAEA agency, and EURADOS and NERIS platforms.
- Introduction. Ulrich Stöhlker (EURADOS) and Florian Gering (NERIS) → view presentation (Stöhlker) and view presentation (Gering)
- IAEA - Current Status in UAV Based Radiation Monitoring Technology. Petr Sladek (IAEA) → view presentation
- Unmanned aerial detection of radiological data - Results of the EMPIR “Preparedness” project. Arturo Vargas (UPC – EURADOS) → view presentation
- Use of the monitoring information gathered by the UAV technologies in Decision Support Systems. Geert Olyslaegers (SCK CEN – NERIS) → view presentation
- Questions and Comments
EURADOS Working Group 3 "Environmental dosimetry"