Call for candidates to host the EURADOS Annual Meeting 2025
The EURADOS Annual Meeting 2024 will be held in Oxford from 8th to 12th of April. The first announcement will follow shortly.
Our Annual Meeting grew over the last 20 years from a small, dedicated event, to a major milestone for the dosimetry community in Europe and beyond. While the first Annual Meetings always took place in PTB, we started to move around Europe, exploring new cities and more importantly, visiting and including the local scientific communities. Every year we find an enthousiastic group of people that do their best to make the Annual Meeting a success. And after the meeting, the local organizers are always tired, but very happy of having hosted the meeting.
So now it is time to call upon new candidates for hosting the next Annual Meetings, starting with 2025. We would like to move back to organizing the Annual Meeting in January/February. The exact dates are of course agreed upon with the candidate. We need a motivated (and friendly) group of scientists, who, with the assistance of EURADOS, will try to make the next Annual Meeting even better than the previous one. If you would like the EURADOS community to visit your institute/university and city/country, just contact me. Even if you are in doubt if you can find a good location, or if you don’t know what exactly is needed, Kerstin, Veronika and me can discuss this with you and help you.
You can find an overview of the locations of the meetings of the previous 20 years when you click the link in the banner below. A list of relevant requirements to host AM2025 is available on request at the office [at] eurados [dot] org (EURADOS Office).
All potential candidates are asked to contact me before November 24th, 2023. Don’t hesitate and try it. You will not regret!!!
We are looking forward to receiving your proposals!
Filip Vanhavere