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Call for host of the joint International Conference on Individual Monitoring of Ionising Radiation (IM2026) and Neutron and Ion Dosimetry Symposium (NEUDOS-15)

22 June '24
Call host IM NEUDOS 2026

EURADOS foresees the next IM and NEUDOS conference to be held in 2026. With this letter, we would like to launch the call for organisers of the IM2026 + NEUDOS-15 conference.

The benefits of hosting the conference are that you will have the opportunity to put together an exciting, interesting and engaging program in addition to enhancing the international reputation of your institution and establishing international links. 

The European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS) ensures the continuity and consistency of international scientific conferences by coordinating the organization of the main conferences in the field of individual monitoring of ionizing radiation: the International Conference on Individual Monitoring (IM) and Neutron and Ion Dosimetry Conference (NEUDOS). These conferences offer a great opportunity to share knowledge, exchange experience and promote new ideas among scientists, dosimetry services, research organisations, regulatory authorities and industry worldwide. 

The previous IM conferences were held in Helsinki (2000), Vienna (2005), Athens (2010) and Bruges (2015). The most recent IM conference was organized in Kraków, Poland in April 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, EURADOS decided to organize the IM conference together with the NEUDOS conference. Following the success of combining both conferences in Krakow, EURADOS has decided to combine them again. The topics in IM and NEUDOS are complementary, and the audience of both conferences can benefit from this combination. 

Among the criteria that EURADOS will consider in the selection of the venue are:

  • an appropriate venue for about 300 persons
  • capacity to offer two parallel-sessions
  • possibility of including side events to the conferences, including an industrial exhibition
  • a detailed and sound budget, including a conference dinner for all participants
  • amenities and accessibility of the proposed location
  • suggestions of possible accommodations, and special price conditions would be welcome
  • economics and logistics of participation. 

For planning, the program of the last IM2022/NEUDOS-14 conference can be requested at EURADOS Office (office [at] eurados [dot] org).

In short: We need a motivated (and friendly) group of scientists, who, with the assistance of EURADOS, will try to make the next IM and NEUDOS even better than the previous one. The exact dates of this conference are of course to be agreed with the candidate.

A written proposal of 1-2 pages addressing the criteria reported above should be sent to the Chairperson of EURADOS before September 30th, 2024, preferably by e-mail (chairperson [at] eurados [dot] org). 

A representative of the venue is also encouraged to present the proposal to the members of the EURADOS Council. The evaluation of the proposals for the venue of IM2026 will be made by the members of the EURADOS Council. EURADOS Office is at your disposal for any further information or technical support you may require concerning your application. EURADOS Council would like to announce the host for IM 2026 by the end of 2024.

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