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EURADOS Report 2021-04 published: "EURADOS Intercomparison on Compartmental Model for 18F-FDG Developed by Hays and Segall"

10 August '21

EURADOS Report 2021-04 is published: "EURADOS Intercomparison on Compartmental Model for 18F-FDG Developed by Hays and Segall"

Wei Bo Li, David Broggio, Augusto Giussani, Tomáš Vrba, Kerstin Hürkamp, Alexandra Kamp, Dietmar Noßke, Lara Struelens, Peter Covens

Abstract: This report was originated from the analysis of the results of a joint EURADOS-EANM project about

the assessment of the external radiation dose rate to comforters and caregivers exposed to patients

undergoing nuclear medical diagnostics and therapy. The compartmental model for 18F-FDG

developed by Hays and Segall in 1999 was applied by EURADOS members for predicting the time

activity curves (TAC) in the source organs and tissues, and the urinary excretion. Inconsistencies have

been found between the TAC and the time integrated activity coefficients (TIAC) calculated by

EURADOS and those published by Hays and Segall and the Committee on Medical Internal Radiation

Dose (MIRD). A quality assurance in form of an intercomparison on the implemented Hays and Segall

compartmental model for 18F-FDG was carried out between four institutions of EURADOS voting

members to validate the model predictions. The differences in calculated TIAC between EURADOS

and MIRD results reach up to a factor of 3.2 by using arithmetic mean model parameters and 3.8 by

using geometric mean parameters. The inconsistencies are under investigation in contact with MIRD

Committee. A suggestion of updating the compartmental model for 18F-FDG with new available data

is made.

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