EURADOS Report 2023-01 published: "EURADOS Intercomparison 2018 for Whole Body Dosemeters - Summary of Procedures, Results and Conclusions"
EURADOS Report 2023-01 is published: "EURADOS Intercomparison 2018 for Whole Body Dosemeters - Summary of Procedures, Results and Conclusions"
Andrew F. McWhan, Wioletta Dobrzynska, Hannes Stadtmann, Tom W. M. Grimbergen, Markus Figel, Ana M. Romero
Abstract: EURADOS Working Group 2 has developed a system for a self-sustained programme of regular dosemeter intercomparisons (ICs), (Figel, M. Report to Council, WG02-SG2, 2007). ICs for whole body dosemeters were carried out in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016 and 2018. In addition, four ICs with different scopes were carried out, two for extremity dosemeters in photon and beta fields (IC2009ext and IC2015ext) and two for whole-body dosemeters in neutron fields (IC2012n and IC2017n). This IC, ie. IC2018, has built on the success of these previous ICs with a total of 121 systems from 100 institutes with participants from 40 countries around the world.
The systems tested during this exercise included 82 TLD, 18 OSL, 9 Film and 12 dosemeter systems based on other techniques (Other). A total of 4114 dosemeters were handled by the coordinator of which 2662 were irradiated. Photon (source and 1 mixed source/x-ray) irradiations were carried out by GAEC (Greek Atomic Energy Commission) and the x-ray irradiations were carried out by VSL (Dutch Metrology Institute).
Out of the total of 121 systems, 30 reported results for Hp(10) only and 91 reported both Hp(10) and Hp(0.07). In general, the participants showed a very satisfactory performance with the medians of all Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) response values very close to unity.
From the statistical overviews of the results, the reports provided by the irradiation laboratories and the remarks received from the participants, it can be concluded that the IC exercise was successful and that there were no significant issues encountered by the IC organization or the irradiation laboratories during the execution of the IC.
The Participants Meeting was held on 12 February in Lodz at AM2019.
These IC results can assist the participants to show compliance with their quality management system, compare their results with those from other participants and develop action plans for improvement of their systems. The high number of participants confirms that there is strong demand for international IC exercises in Europe, and that these are of significant operational value for Individual Monitoring Services (IMS).