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EURADOS Young Scientist Award 2021 was granted to Agnieszka Wochnik

14 February '22
Agnieszka Wochnik

Congratulations to the Young Scientist Award 2021!

EURADOS has selected Agnieszka Wochnik (Institute of Nuclear Phyics PAN, Poland) as the winner of the Young Scientist Award 2021.

Agnieszka is a PhD student at the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, her research area is the use of 3D printing to modify the proton beam. She presented her work on "Out-of-field doses for scanning proton radiotherapy of shallowly located paediatric tumours - a comparison of range shifter and 3D printed compensator", carried out in collaboration with members of EURADOS WG9 on "Radiation dosimetry in radiotherapy".

The work is well in line with EURADOS SRA Vision 2: Towards improved dosimetry for radiation risk estimates deduced from epidemiological cohort, Challenge 2.1: To improve dosimetric data for epidemiological studies.

Agnieszka will present her work in a 5 min talk in the EURADOS General Assembly on 22 June 2022 during the Annual Meeting 2022 in Belgrade.

The amount allocated for the Young Scientist Award is 500 EUR and the Award includes an invitation to the EURADOS Annual Meeting in June 2022.

 Congratulations! EURADOS appreciated the quality and the results of Agnieszka's research work.


EURADOS Young Scientist Award

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