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Newsletter February 3, 2021 - EURADOS Report 2021-01

03 February '21
EURADOS - Newsletter (2021)

EURADOS Report 2021-01

A EURADOS Report "13th EURADOS Winter School Eye Lens Dosimetry" has been published. It is a collection of the papers based on the presentations given in the EURADOS Winter School 2020 held in Florence (Italy) on January 30th 2020. Edited by E.A. Ainsbury, R. Behrens, E. Carinou, O. Ciraj Bjelac, I. Clairand, J. Dabin, T.W.M. Grimbergen, S. Jacob, R. Kollaard, M. Nesti, L. Struelens. The Report can be downloaded from the EURADOS web page.

Agreement with EMPIR 19ENV01 traceRadon

EMPIR 19ENV01 traceRadon and EURADOS e.V. established a collaboration by a letter of agreement on “Radon metrology for use in climate change observation and radiation protection at the environmental level"


The project traceRadon was launched in Summer 2020. It is supported by a broad global scientific community within climate research, radiation protection and metrology. In the traceRadon consortium 18 partners and 8 collaborators work together. The first results of traceRadon are new technologies for calibrating high-sensitivity radon monitors which can be found in the first issue of the traceRadon-EMPIR newsletter.

In the preparation of the project, the communication and discussion within EURADOS WG 3 turned out to be very effective. Consequently, EURADOS e.V. joint the project as collaborator. Read more in the letter by the traceRadon coordinator, Annette Röttger (PTB).

This project has received funding from the EMPIR programme co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. 19ENV01 traceRadon denotes the EMPIR project reference.

Open positions

Early Career Researcher at BfS

Federal Office for Radiation Protection offers a position as Early Career Researcher (m/f/d) in section „External and internal dosimetry, biokinetics“. Information and instructions to apply can be dowloaded here or at this link. Deadline is 24 February 2021.


We are a network of more than 80 European institutions (Voting Members) and 560 scientists (Associate Members). We promote research and development and European cooperation in the field of the dosimetry of ionizing radiation.


View the original email in your browser.


EURADOS-Newsletter [at] eurados [dot] org (EURADOS-Newsletter[at]eurados[dot]org)

Executive editor

Paola Fattibene

Istituto Superiore di Sanita', ISS

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