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Newsletter May 19, 2021 - An inter-comparison on PADC based detector for radon concentration in air

19 May '21
EURADOS - Newsletter (2021)

Inter-comparison coming up!

The Radiation Metrology Lab-Politecnico di Milano organizes an inter-comparison for air radon detectors based on CR39. The focus is to highlight the effects of aging and fading on PADC. The proficiency testing is compliant with the standard ISO17043.

Call closes on 28th of May 2021 

Click here for additional information


View the original email in your browser.


EURADOS-Newsletter [at] eurados [dot] org (EURADOS-Newsletter[at]eurados[dot]org)

Executive editor

Paola Fattibene

Istituto Superiore di Sanita', ISS

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