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14th EURADOS Webinar: EURADOS comparison exercise on neutron spectra unfolding in Bonner spheres spectrometry (BSS)

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14th EURADOS Webinar

Online event
Starting time: 15:00 CEST



This webinar will summarize the details and results of the EURADOS international comparison exercise on neutron spectra unfolding using Bonner Spheres Spectrometry (BSS), organized within the activities of EURADOS working group 6: computational dosimetry. Four realistic situations were considered in the exercise: a medical accelerator, a workplace field, an irradiation room and a skyshine scenario. Twenty participants submitted 64 solutions (not all the participants worked with all the scenarios using different codes).

Neutron unfolding problem is inherently complex because it is underdetermined. Therefore, the appropriate use of unfolding codes needs: 1) having sufficient physical knowledge of the situation to estimate the likely characteristics of the neutron field; 2) translating that physical knowledge into a priori information suitable for the specific unfolding code to be used; and 3) correctly evaluating the result of the unfolding process to assess plausibility and accuracy. These steps and the main issues related with neutron unfolding with BSS will be analysed and discussed, with the examples of the EURADOS exercise.



EURADOS Working Group 6 "Computational dosimetry"

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Featured Presenters

Roberto Bedogni
Head of the LEMRAP (Laboratory for Environmental and Medical Radiation Physics), INFN-LNF, Italy

Researcher at INFN-Frascati (Italy). MSc, PhD in Physic, Health Physics Specialisation School, Radiation protection expert 3rd degree. 20+ years of experience in radiation dosimetry, neutron metrology and dosimetry, Monte Carlo simulation, design of radiation detectors. 180+ publications, 90+ oral presentations, 30+ posters at international conferences. 1864 citations, h-index 21, i-10 index 59, 4 patents in neutron measurements and materials. IAEA expert in technical cooperation projects.

Carles Domingo
Head of the Ionising Radiation Research Group at the Physics Department of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

PhD. In Physcis in 1988 at UAB. Experience of 30+ years in radiation measurements, metrology, and Monte Carlo simulation. Co-author of over 120 indexed scientific publications and over 150 communications to national and international scientific conferences. Member of the EURADOS WG6 (Computational Dosimetry). Participated in about 50 funded research projects in the Radiation Physics field. Currently involved in projects on neutron radiation detection and spectrometry and their applications, mainly in the Medical Physics field, as well as for fundamental knowledge.

José-María Gómez-Ros
Head of Radiation Dosimetry Unit, CIEMAT, Spain

MSc, PhD in Physics; MSc in Mathematics. Thirty-five years of experience in thermoluminescence (TL), radiation dosimetry, Monte Carlo simulation and neutron dosimetry. Co-author of 150 papers and 120 communications to international conferences. Member of EURADOS-WG6: Computational Dosimetry since 2005; Secretary of the International Solid-State Dosimetry Organization (ISSDO) since 2007; member of ICRP C5 Task Group 74 (2008-2017), INFN Associate Researcher since 2011. Head of CIEMAT Radiological Environment Division (2017-2021); Head of CIEMAT Radiation Dosimetry Unit since 2017.

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