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Newsletter December 16, 2020 - Reminder EURADOS webinar series

16 December '20
EURADOS - Newsletter (2021)

EURADOS webinar series

A reminder of the upcoming 1st webinar of the new EURADOS series:

The EURADOS WG 10 and RENEB 2019 biological and physical retrospective dosimetry field test

17 December 2020

The webinar will be presented by Working Group 10 - Retrospective Dosimetry and will be strucutred in four short seminars:

  • Brief introduction to intercomparisons in the EURADOS WG10 (Liz Ainsbury, PHE) and RENEB (Andrzej Wojcik, Stockolm University) Networks
  • The set up and reference dosimetry (Lovisa Waldner, Lund University) 
  • EURADOS RENEB field exercise, Lund 2019: Biological dosimetry based on dicentric chromosomes (David Endesfelder, BfS) 
  • Novel methods of biodosimetry: Gene expression to inform short term exposures (Michael Abend, BIR) 

Participation is free, but it is necessary to register. Instructions for joining the webinar will be sent after registration

EURADOS AM online registration is open

Registration deadline for WG meetings 11 January 2021

Registration deadline for General Assembly 11 January 2021

Registration deadline for Winter School 25 January 2021 

ETRAP 2021 - Call for abstracts - Deadline December 18, 2020

This week is the last week to send in your abstracts on online education and training in radiation protection. The ETRAP conference will take place next year in an online format. We have foreseen a programme treating all topics below, in a schedule from 10.30 until 15.30 every day from 23 until 26 March 2021. Please, submit your abstracts via this link.


18th BfS Interlaboratory Comparison and Proficiency Testing of Passive Radon Detectors 2021

The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) announces an interlaboratory comparison and proficiency testing that will be conducted for passive radon measurement devices using track-etch detectors (SSNTD, in diffusion chambers) or electret ionisation chambers (EIC) in order to assure the quality of radon measurements. The comparison is scheduled for the 1st half-year 2021.

Institutions that are interested in participating in the Interlaboratory Comparison are kindly requested to apply for participation via e-mail to comparison-radon [at] bfs [dot] de (comparison-radon[at]bfs[dot]de) by January 29, 2021 at the latest. Please note that the total number of participants is limited. Participation is only possible after confirmation. Applicants will be informed on participation by February 12, 2021. Go to the BfS webpage for additional information.


We are a network of more than 80 European institutions (Voting Members) and 560 scientists (Associate Members). We promote research and development and European cooperation in the field of the dosimetry of ionizing radiation.


View the original email in your browser


EURADOS-Newsletter [at] eurados [dot] org (EURADOS-Newsletter[at]eurados[dot]org)

Executive editor

Paola Fattibene

Istituto Superiore di Sanita', ISS

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